
Mouthwash is not only for bad breath

Mouthwash has long been a mainstay friend to prevent bad breath that disturbs confidence. But it turns out besides that, mouthwash also plays a role in maintaining oral health. Mouthwash is generally an antiseptic liquid that is used to clean between teeth, the surface of the tongue and gums, and the back of the mouth or throat. The use of some mouthwashes aims to reduce bad breath. Some other mouthwashes are intended to function like saliva, which is to keep the mouth moist and neutralize acidic substances. Some mouthwashes can be used freely, but some are specifically designed to treat certain health problems. The second type is usually prescribed by a doctor. Various Types of Mouthwash There are many mouthwash options with different supporting ingredients which of course provide different benefits. Mouthwash products can contain the following ingredients: Antimicrobial: reduce plaque, gingivitis, and gum inflammation in the early stages, and kill bacteria that cause bad breat...

When the Ear Puts Water in, Do This to Overcome It

To maintain good health and fitness, many people choose to swim regularly. Just be careful, because when swimming often appear complaints of water intake ear. Water that enters the ear for a long time and occurs repeatedly, can increase the risk of inflammation and infection of the ear canal. For example, in people who often swim. The inflammation in question can be redness and swelling in the external ear canal (outside). This section is a channel that is located between the outer ear and eardrum. In the medical world, inflammatory disorders in this section are commonly called otitis externa. Recognize Symptoms of Infection Due to Ear Infused Water At first, the symptoms of water ear submission are mild. However, if not treated immediately or the infection has spread, symptoms will get worse. Symptoms of a mild infection include: Ears appear reddish. Itching in the ear canal. Pain when the auricle is stretched. Clear odorless clear liquid. Symptoms of moderate severity can...

Introducing Baby Porridge To Your Baby

Before the age of six months, breast milk alone is enough to meet the nutritional needs of infants. But past that age, Little One must be introduced to solid foods. Introducing baby porridge as a start for solid food is a step to fulfilling nutrition and supporting growth and development. Introducing baby porridge or solid food is a crucial step to meet baby's nutritional needs. Make this opportunity as a place to explore the taste and texture of food that you want to make baby porridge. The most important thing that must be understood by parents is not based on how much the baby eats solid food, but focus on getting your child to eat. As your Little One develops, increase the amount and variety of food until they finally have the ability to dine with the family in small portions. Signs Your Little One Is Ready To Eat Baby Porridge In addition to age, some of the things below are a sign that parents can introduce baby porridge. The baby's head is upright The sign th...

This is the danger of dehydration during pregnancy

Pregnant women are prone to dehydration. This is due to the increased need for fluids during pregnancy, as well as complaints of nausea that make pregnant women vomit frequently and have no appetite, so that fluid intake is reduced. In fact, dehydration during pregnancy can be dangerous, you know! Ideally, fluids in and out of the body should always be balanced, especially when you are pregnant. Excessive discharge that is not balanced with adequate fluid intake can make pregnant women lack of fluids, even dehydration. What are the Dangers of Dehydration During Pregnancy? Dehydration during pregnancy can harm the pregnant mother and fetus in her womb. Here are some hazards that can occur: 1. Too little amniotic fluid Amniotic fluid is a protective fluid that is needed by the fetus during the womb. In addition, this fluid will give the fetus space for in the womb. There are a number of factors that can cause a small amount of amniotic fluid. One of them is dehydration during pre...

Learn the Facts and Myths of UHT Milk Here

To extend the consumption period, dairy products can be processed with ultra-high temperature or very high temperature processing. Dairy products that have undergone this procedure are commonly referred to as UHT milk. The process of processing milk to be more durable is called pasteuriasasi, and one of the techniques is the ultra-high temperature technology. In the process, the milk will be heated to above 138 degrees Celsius for 1-2 seconds. The purpose of heating using very high temperatures in a short time to kill the bacteria in it. After that, milk will be packaged in a sterile manner and has a consumption period of up to 9 months without the need to be stored in the refrigerator. However, the length of the consumption period is valid as long as the packaging is not opened. Myths and Facts Related to UHT Milk Because UHT milk is specially processed before being marketed, there are those who doubt the nutritional content and safety level of UHT milk compared to ordinary raw ...